Vegetable hakka noodles or vegetable hakka chow mien popularly known dish in indo-Chinese cuisine. This hakka noodles or chow Mein noodles is all time everyone’s favourite , kids love it and is very easy to make in no time, only in vegetables cutting time is needed, otherwise its easy. Now days, chopped vegetables also you get for Chinese cooking. Its very nutrious also as lots of vegetables go in it. The main vegetables which we see often is carrot, beans, cabbage, capsicum and beansprouts. You can add any vegetables as many, as per your child’s taste, in the noodles.
Hakka noodles or hakka chow Mein has to be cooked on a wok or a wider kadai on high flame, as the vegetables will get cooked quickly and the flavour from the high flame cooking on wok and kadai is different. In these noodles I have not added any chilli, ginger, and garlic, as I made this for my son. You can prepare the noodles as per your child’s taste whether they like spicy or not. You can also see my chicken hakka noodles recipe.