Whole roast chicken, seems easy but it has to be cooked properly and the chicken has to be juicy from inside. There are so many ways to roast a whole chicken with different herbs. This time iam sharing with you a very wonderful, fragrant and full of aroma and delicious lemony flavoured chicken with dry Italian herbs and with special ingredient lemon salt, if not available just add fresh lemon juice and with more dry herbs. I always like my chicken to be marinated well not with a very light marinade. Whenever you roast chicken always add vegetables of your taste in the cooking. I have used big potatoes marinated with few dry herbs and cooked with the chicken. When chicken is roasting, keep it on the rack, under which a baking tray is kept. When the chicken is cooking, the juice of chicken (chickens liquid) and its fat will drip on the roasting pan/tray and roast the potatoes in the same pan, the fat and its juice of the chicken will give the potatoes more taste, flavour and aroma. Trust the potatoes were so yum and tasty.
First I marinated my whole chicken, cooked at high temperature then at low, cut the chicken, allowed to rest for 15minutes after applying butter on top and closed with aluminium foil or carved , again roasted with the vegetables on high and allowed to rest. You can cook the chicken as per your way.
Preparation time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 1 hr 30 mins
Cuisine: English
Serves: 3
Spiciness: Mild
For potatoes
To prepare your chicken
For the chicken marination
Preparing potatoes
cooking the chicken