Colourful stuffed patties

These colourful stuffed patties are delicious, healthy and it is like surprise for the kids and elders. As soon as the kids or elders break it either they can find green colour or dark maroon colour which is because of spinach and beetroot. It is like any other potato pattie made but stuffed with 2 different varieties.

I have used mushroom and other ingredients for the stuffing with spinach and beetroot; you can add corn paste instead of mushroom. You can serve this as a starter or a snack or as vegetable koftas in any gravy you make. There were some left over patties, which I just used for the saag (spinach), I made at home. You can refer this recipe also as colourful stuffed patties in the green sauce. You can add any spice you like, just try and see, instead of beetroot or spinach you can stuff any mixed nuts, which you like, but according to your taste. I made them in the form of patties, but you can make heart shape or roll type also.


  1. Potato – 2(big)
  2. Salt as per taste
  3. Corn flour or plain flour – 3tbsp
  4. Pepper powder – a pinch
  5. Stuffing

  6. Onion (medium) – 1/2
  7. Green chilli – 1(chopped)
  8. Ginger and garlic paste – 1tsp
  9. Mushroom – 4(grated)
  10. Paneer grated – 1/2cup
  11. Pepper powder – 1/2tsp
  12. Coriander leaves – few (chopped)
  13. Salt as per taste
  14. Beetroot – 1(small)
  15. Spinach – 1/3rd cup
  16. Coating

  17. Plain flour or corn flour - 3tbsp
  18. Oil for deep frying


  1. Chop all the vegetables finely and keep it aside.
  2. Boil beetroot and spinach separately and make a fine paste of both of them separately.
  3. Boil the potatoes, when it is cool, smash it well, add salt pepper powder, mix well and keep it aside.
  4. Grate mushroom and paneer keep it aside.
  5. Cooking for the stuffing

  6. Preheat a vessel with oil, add onion and cook till it is golden colour.
  7. Add green chillies and stir for few seconds, add ginger and garlic paste and mushroom, cook for 3 to 4min, till it is cooked well, no need to add water as mushroom starts leaving water.
  8. Add grated paneer, pepper powder, salt and coriander leaves mix it and switch it off, as the vessel will be hot.
  9. The mixture cooked should be dry, so that stuffing can be easily made.
  10. Mixing the stuffing with two varieties of mixtures

  11. When the mixture is cooled, divide the mushroom mixture into 2 divisions, one is for the beetroot and one for the spinach.
  12. Now with the mushroom mixture mix beetroot paste and the other with spinach.
  13. So you have now 2 varieties of mixture, one is beetroot mixture and one is spinach mixture for the stuffing.
  14. Stuffing the beetroot and spinach mixture

  15. Divide the potato mixture into small ball portions (big lemon size) and keep it ready.
  16. Flatten the potato ball in to a circle for stuffing.
  17. Place one portion of the stuffing mixture (beetroot or spinach) in the centre of circle(potato).
  18. Bring the sides of the circle together, so as to seal the stuffing inside the potato circle.
  19. Roll the patty between the palms of your hands, so that there are no cracks on the surface of patty.
  20. Press it firmly on top to form a flat patty.
  21. Repeat the same process with the remaining mixture and keep it ready.
  22. Deep frying

  23. Preheat the kadai with sufficient oil for deep frying the stuffed patties.
  24. Coat the stuffed patties with cornflour or plain flour, before it is deep fried.
  25. When the oil is hot, fry the stuffed patties in small proportions, till it changes to golden colour.
  26. Serve hot with any sauce you like or mint chutney.


  1. Can add cooked corn paste instead of mushroom.
  2. The stuffing mixture should be dry, as for stuffing it will be easy.
  3. The left over stuffed patties I have served in the saag(spinach curry), you can serve it with any gravy you like.