Gongura pachadi is a very famous chutney in Andhra Pradesh and a special delicacy for vegetarians in Andhra cuisine. Gongura is widely consumed in Andhra Pradesh and is very popular for its dishes in homes, restaurants and many food joints. Sorrel leaves are called Gongura in Telugu, pulicha keerai in Tamil and ambaadi in Marathi. We call it at home as ambadi ki bhaji. These leaves taste sour. Sorrel leaves come in two varieties - one is green stem leaves and the other is red stem leaves. The red stem ones are sourer than the green stem variety. Gongura is one of my favourite foods and dishes prepared from gongura make me so addictive that I just keep eating.
I prepare 2 different types of gongura pachadi. One involves only dry ingredients and the other, which I am sharing here has tomatoes and is my favourite one. In this gongura chutney recipe, I have roasted the gongura leaves with little oil and have then ground to a coarse paste with other ingredients. If you want, you can avoid drying the leaves and just directly cook in a vessel. This will leave moisture, which will give you a slightly different taste and texture even though the ingredients are the same.
Preparation time: 10 mins (excluding drying of leaves)
Cooking time: 30 mins
Cuisine: Andhra Pradesh
Serves: 2 to 3
Spiciness: Hot and sour