Preparing chicken wings for lollipops

Chicken lollipop is every ones favourite and mostly ordered dish in restaurants in indo-Chinese menu or in a starter especially in chicken. Every one prepares it differently with different style. Chicken lollipop is one of my favourite dishes among starters, and so I have marinated it with many variations and with different sauces, which I have shared with you. Chicken lollipop is made from the chicken wing and to make chicken lollipop is easy but it will take time. From one chicken wing, you can make two chicken lollipops, one will be meaty and the other less meaty. From my pictures you will learn how to prepare chicken lollipop with step wise instructions.


  1. Chicken wings


  1. Take a chicken wing. Using a sharp knife break the chicken wing into two parts at the joint.
  2. One part clearly looks like a chicken lollipop already. This is called the chicken drumstick. For this one, only a little bit of trimming near the bone is needed.
  3. Cut around the tip of the bone to loosen the skin. Hold the base and push the meat down to expose the bone to make it look like a lollipop. One chicken lollipop is ready.
  4. The other part of the wing has two bones joined. Separate the thin bone and remove it.
  5. Pull back the meat from one end of the bone to the other end carefully. Make sure that you do not pull the meat completely out.
  6. OR

  7. Hold the base and push the meat down gently to expose the bone to make it look like a lollipop. Trim the bone neatly and remove any flesh left on the thin end.
  8. Once your chicken lollipops are prepared like the above, you are now ready to cook in many styles and variations.