Ridge gourd and prawn masala is a very popular dish in Andhra, known as Beerakaya Royyala masala in Telugu and Turai aur Jhinga ka masala in our home. Ridge gourd combined with prawns makes this dish very delicious and appetising.
When Turai is cooked, it gives out a sweet flavour and taste. It also reduces a lot in quantity as Turai is made of lot of water. Buy Ridge gourd which are young and not the aged or ripened ones as it will be fibrous and not very good for consumption.
You can refer to my ridge gourd and prawn curry which has very similar ingredients but the way of cooking is a bit different. If you are cooking in a vessel, use a good utensil as you will be stirring (bhuna/saute/fry) a lot to give a delicious taste to the Ridge gourd and prawn masala.
Refer to my other recipes with ridge gourd: Ridge gourd and prawns curry Ridge gourd curry
Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 60 mins, slow cooking
Cuisine: Andhra Pradesh
Spiciness: Medium
Serves: 3
Whole spices
Ridge gourd and prawn masala is a very popular dish in Andhra, known as Beerakaya Royyala masala in Telugu and Turai aur Jhinga ka masala in our home. Ridge gourd combined with prawns makes this dish very delicious and appetising. When Turai is cooked, it gives out a sweet flavour and taste. It also reduces a lot in quantity as Turai is made of lot of water. Buy Ridge gourd which are young and not the aged or ripened ones as it will be fibrous and not very good for consumption. You can refer to my ridge gourd and prawn curry which has very similar ingredients but the way of cooking is a bit different. If you are cooking in a vessel, use a good utensil as you will be stirring (bhuna/saute/fry) a lot to give a delicious taste to the Ridge gourd and prawn masala.