Watercress soup is one of the most favourite soups. Watercress soup I had for the first time in the watercress festival which was held near alresford town in Hampshire (uk) in spring time around April. In this festival, mostly used are watercress and used in varieties like watercress crepe, watercress soup, watercress beef burger and many more.
Watercress is a very low-calorie green leafy vegetables and contains negligible amounts of fats. Being an antioxidant rich, fewer calories and low-fat vegetable it is often recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction. Watercress is available year around. In the stores, purchase thick, broad, succulent and deep green colour fresh leaves. Fresh greens submerged in water and stored in the refrigerator where they keep well for up to 2-3 days. Watercress gives a beautiful peppery flavour to recipes. Fresh watercress sprigs used in green salads, sandwiches, soups.
For chicken stock
Chicken stock
Watercress soup